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International Days

The workshops coincide with some international days that are relevant to ETEC, and which ETEC is keen on celebrating.


World Teachers’ Day

5 October 2020

World Teachers’ Day has been celebrated annually since 1994 to commemorate the anniversary of the adoption of the UN and ILO’s 1966 recommendation concerning the status of teachers. This recommendation consists of benchmarks related to the rights and responsibilities of teachers, and the standards for their initial preparation, further training, recruitment, and employment, in addition to the conditions of teaching and learning.

World Standards Day

14 October 2020

IEC, ISO, and ITU members celebrate World Standards Day to recognize the collaborative efforts of thousands of experts around the world who develop optional technical agreements that are published as international standards.

World Statistics Day

20 October 2020

The motto of this day emphasizes the significant role of high-quality official statistical information in conducting analyses and making informed decisions regarding public policy to support sustainable development.

International Day of Education

24 January 2021

Education is a human right. It is a public good and a public responsibility. The UN’s General Assembly proclaimed the 24th of January an international day for education to celebrate the role of education in achieving peace and development.

World Quality Day

12 November 2020

Some countries have designated a month to celebrate quality. This month is considered an international awareness-raising campaign that highlights the importance of quality and continuous improvement in all sectors (production and service business sectors, health care sector, education sector, government sector, non-profit sector, etc.).

World Science Day for Peace and Development

10 November 2020

World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated every year on the 10th of November. This day sheds light on the role of science in the society and the need for engaging the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. This day also highlights the importance of science in our daily lives.

World Metrology Day

20 May 2021

As Muslims, we should be proud of the Holy Qur’an which emphasizes metrology by referring to it on several occasions. For example, Allah the Almighty said in the Holy Qur’an: “And observe the weight with equity and do not make deficient the balance”. The concept of metrology is based on a universal principle, which is justice and fairness in measurement and weights.

World Creativity and Innovation Day

21 April 2021

There is no universal understanding of creativity. The concept is open to interpretation and may range from artistic expression to problem-solving skills in the context of economic, social, and sustainable development. For this reason, the United Nations designated the 21st of April World Creativity and Innovation Day.

International Training Day

6 April 2021

During the experiential workshop and through interaction, the main abilities and skills of emotional intelligence will be addressed to enhance emotional ability to interact with others in an effective manner that meets expectations and achieves goals. This enhances leadership abilities.

World Accreditation Day

9 June 2021

Accreditation is a key factor in a nation’s quality infrastructure. It enables relevant bodies to check the efficiency of compliance evaluation entities and to verify their readiness to perform such a significant role by providing services and contributing to economic growth and industrial development.